The Commercial Lab

Powered by ROI


Designed for sales and bid professionals, the Commercial lab is a dedicated full-service business acceleration laboratory built for the 21st century.

Excelling in commercial strategy, value proposition, pitch design, proposal management and learning & development​.

Combined Industry Experience
Wins and Retentions
in Past 5 Years
Design Team
Pitch Consultants
100 × 5
100% Retention
Over 5 Years

Our Services

What We Solve


Beyond being equipped with cutting edge and commercially effective technology, our DNA is engrained with laser-focus preparation, authentic story-telling and beautiful design to help you prepare and deliver.

Value Proposition

Your Pitch DNA

The art of communicating effectively and creating connectivity with your target audience is one of the few business aspects that cannot be commoditised by your competitors.

In today’s content consumerism-based world, it’s becoming increasingly challenging for our target audiences to remember much about us and the brands we represent. An example of content increase is global online content consumption doubling in 2020.

Yet it has never been so easy to reach customers. This landscape creates an unprecedented opportunity for businesses to leverage their unique stories to drive value to potential and existing customers through a well thought out and beautifully designed visual narrative.

Proposal Management

The foundational building-block of any winning pitch is an excellent proposal.

The importance of a winning proposal
For many businesses, sales and retention teams can be classed as the oxygen of your businesses, whilst bidding and pitching is becoming the quintessence of any successful commercial team and a key area where business acceleration can provide a true differentiator over the competition when working in symbiance. Especially when targeting key clients. Proposal Management and our support capabilities can come in many forms:

- Do your next bid
- Help framework and processes
- Train your team

Pitch Management

A Relevant Subtitle

In communication-driven industries where scripting is used such as in film, television, theatre and novels, frameworks and design principles are religiously followed to maximise the value of storytelling taking their audience on an emotive journey by outlining the:

- Problem
- Solution
- Resolution

A story-vesting framework creates excitement and demonstrates a challenge that seems difficult and relatable. Through solution and resolution, the challenges are dissolved and positive affirmations are made during the journey.

Learning & Development

People Development Programmes

Many commercial teams inherit legacy methods, or simply adhere to the way things have always been done. Global Playbooks can be game-changing in the way commercial teams are enabled to deliver the latest capabilities and global strategies. And with this change comes a shift in paradigm. This is specifically the case in the approach commercial teams take - both stylistically and in delivery.

So whilst design, messaging and business processes are critical to successful delivery, your commercial teams drive customer relationships and as such will drive the benefits of your playbook. It is key to ensure consistent delivery with regards to the rollout of your playbook to the market. We recommend the development of a comprehensive delivery programme that includes support, training and development for client facing employees.